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What to do when you hit Rock Bottom?

Welcome to the space of Creation and Reinvention!

Today’s post will be about what to do when you hit rock bottom!

This happens to us…all of us…once in a while at least.

We all go through those periods of time when we feel either that we are stuck or that we have hit rock bottom and things can’t get worse.

It could be anything. You probably broke up with your SP or they started seeing someone else. Your business isn’t working, you have no sources of income or the promotion that you have been wanting has been given to someone else. Take your pick!

So what do we do next? How do we get out of it?

The first thing you have to do is stop repeating the same story. Stop telling yourself that this is the worst, things can’t get worse than this etc.

Instead, you can change the story and your perception by saying “things can only get better” or “the only way from here is to go forward or upwards”.

You can even go a step further and call in the help you need. The Universe. The infinite. Who can help you better in this situation? So, just affirm that Universe has your back and everything is working out in your favour.

What you shouldn’t do? Keep falling back into the rabbit hole of self pity or helplessness. The whole point of Law of Assumption to exist is to give you the power over your reality. You are the creator of your own reality. You can’t be the victim if you know you have the power to change it?

And your superpower is your focus.

Align yourself and your focus on to what you want. Plan you next step and keep affirming that Universe has your back and only good can happen from now on.

And see the magic.

Change in perspective is one of the key services we, as LoA Life Coaches can provide to you. Once you see you have the power, there is no stopping.

Hope this helped!

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